What is Web 3

From static websites to AI

a blue block sitting on top of a yellow block that says Web 3a blue block sitting on top of a yellow block that says Web 3

How internet and website design have evolved

Web 1, Web 2, Web 3 and beyond

The internet has evolved significantly, moving through phases known as Web 1, Web 2, and now Web 3. Understanding these stages offers insight into the future of the web.

Web 1: The Static Web (1991-2004)

Web 1, or the static web, was the first phase of the internet. Spanning from 1991 to 2004, it was characterised by static, read-only web pages. Users could access information, but interactivity was minimal, and user-generated content was scarce.

Key Features of Web 1:

- Static web pages

- Centralised content creation

- Limited interactivity

Web 2: The Dynamic and Social Web (2004-Present)

Web 2 began around 2004, ushering in a more interactive and social internet. This phase saw the rise of social media, blogs, and wikis, allowing users to create and share content. Websites became dynamic, enabling real-time updates and complex interactions.

Key Features of Web 2:

- Dynamic and user-generated content

- Enhanced interactivity

- Social media platforms

Web 3: The Decentralised Web (2014-Present)

Web 3, the current phase, introduces decentralisation through blockchain technology. This aims to return control of the internet to users, enabling peer-to-peer interactions without intermediaries like Facebook or Google. For those who know about Napster and who downloaded at least one song from that Web 3 platform in the age of Web 1, send us an email.

Key Features of Web 3:

- Decentralisation

- Enhanced privacy and security

- Blockchain and cryptocurrency integration

Use Cases of Web 3:

- Finance: Decentralised Finance (DeFi) platforms like Uniswap.

- Social Media: Decentralised platforms like Mastodon.

- Gaming: Play-to-earn games like Axie Infinity.

What Could Web 4 Be?

Web 4 might integrate artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), creating a more interconnected and intelligent web. This phase could emerge around the mid-2030s.

Possible Features of Web 4:

- Full AI integration

- Ubiquitous IoT connectivity

- Enhanced virtual and augmented reality experiences

The Importance of Decentralisation

Decentralisation means no single entity controls the network, crucial for privacy, security, and resistance to censorship. In a decentralised web, users control their data and transactions, leading to a more democratic internet.

Industry Examples:

- Healthcare: Decentralised medical records.

- Supply Chain: Blockchain for tracking goods.

- Entertainment: Decentralised streaming platforms.

Why Web 3 is Essential

Web 3 is more of a necessity than a luxury:

- Enhanced Privacy: Users control their personal data.

- Increased Security: Decentralised networks are harder to hack.

- Financial Inclusion: Blockchain technology provides services to the unbanked.

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses. The solution is to start with Web 1 (Static website), transitioning into Web 2 (More interactive website with social media) and then transition into Web 3 (decentralised platforms). A professional website enhances credibility and ensures effective reach to your target audience. Investing in professional web design services is imperative to navigate the complexities of Web 3 and beyond, ensuring your business stays relevant and competitive.

As we transition through these phases, understanding and leveraging the potential of each can position businesses and individuals for success in an increasingly digital world.